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Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

10 Tips On Caring For Your Teeth To Stay Healthy

Family health tips
Maintaining healthy teeth and gums

You definitely do not want any cavities disease, do not let you and your family can not indulge due to toothache. To keep the teeth remain in good health, provide the nutrients needed by the whole structure of the teeth and gums. As a form of treatment seharihari, you should try the following tips :

1. Regular brushing teeth at least 2 times a day.
2. brushing teeth the right way.
3. Rub all parts of the tooth and do not forget to brush your tongue and palate to eliminate bacteria.
4. Avoid foods that are sticky on the teeth, because it will leave spots.
5. Avoid drinks or foods that are too hot or cold.
6. Avoid eating and drinking the sweet  .
7. Use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste products that fit.
8. Do not get used to clean up leftover food in your teeth using a toothpick.
9. If you experience vomiting, immediately brush your teeth and rinse thoroughly. Vomit fluid is bercarnpur with stomach acid. If stomach acid is attached to the teeth in a long time, that is what will be the cause of cavities.
10. Consult a dentist regularly to the dentist every six months.

Nuts A Healthy Snack : Avoid The Risk Of Cholesterol

You definitely want to eat a healthy snack..? You can enjoy delicious snacks that help you control your body's cholesterol levels, one of the nuts are good snacks to be consumed.

Functions and Benefits Of Nuts :

Nuts are a delicious and nutritious snacks, snacks are very good for the body. not only raise the ratio of HDL cholesterol, nuts also lowered triglycerides, so good for heart health. Similarly, the reported Archives of Internal Medicine. Eat a third cup of nuts every day.

Nuts are also rich in nutrients and could replace meat as the protein intake, a healthy lifestyle with a return to nature, so the expression for the fight against rising levels of cholesterol.

Make sure you and your family eat healthy foods and beverages, to avoid the risk of various diseases, because health is priceless.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Women Smokers Experience Menopause Faster

Women Smokers Experience Menopause Faster

In general, women are entering a period when menoupause aged 46 to 51 years. But according to most studies, women smokers will experience menopause at a younger age is 43 to 50 years. During menopause, the ovaries of women will stop producing eggs, so the woman can not get pregnant again.

The results University of Hong Kong. show stronger evidence about the effect of smoking on early menopause and it became the basis for urging the women to stop smoking and start with a healthy lifestyle.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Clean Femininity : Prevent and Cope With Whitish

Betadine Feminine Hygiene - Cleaning area of ​​femininity

Do you know what vaginal discharge in women..? You know what dangers or diseases caused whitish..?? Whitish problem is a problem that has long been a problem for women. Not many women who know what it is whitish and whitish sometimes underestimate this issue. Though whiteness can not be taken lightly, as a result of the discharge is very dangerous if handled too late. Not only can lead to infertility and pregnancy outside the womb, vaginal discharge can also be an early symptom of cervical cancer, which can lead to death.

Betadine Feminine Hygiene : Special cleaning femininity that contain active ingredients povidone iodine 10% effective at killing germs and fungi that cause vaginal discharge, itching, odor in the area of ​​femininity, female sex organs keep clean and safe for the skin.

Reasons for Choosing Betadine Feminine Hygiene :

- Containing 10% povidone iodine that can kill all kinds of germs (fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites) cause of vaginal discharge.
- Unscented, so it is safe to use and does not menyababkan irritation and allergies.
- More economical because it does not need to be worn every day.
For mencegahan: 2x a week
For treatment: 2x daily for 5 consecutive days.
- Betadine brand that has been known clinically tested and known efficacy.
- Specially formulated in accordance with the PH Balance Vagina.
- Not only prevents but can also cope with whitish, so that V be a meeting area.

- for the prevention of vaginal discharge using a twice daily routine 2 times a week
- for the treatment of vaginal discharge using 2 times daily for 5 consecutive days

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Prevent Vaginal Discharge In Women

Do you know what vaginal discharge in women..? You know what dangers or diseases caused whitish..?? You must know the causes and dangers posed of whitish, do not let you get venereal disease because you do not know what happened.

Whitish problem is a problem that has long been a problem for women. Not many women who know what it is whitish and whitish sometimes underestimate this issue. Though whiteness can not be taken lightly, as a result of this whiteness could be very dangerous if handled too late.

Vaginal discharge can be prevented by :

- Always maintain the cleanliness of womanhood, femininity with clean fresh water that flows by way of wiping from front to back.
- Minimize the use of antiseptic soap because it can disrupt the pH balance in the vagina.
- Timely replace the pads at least 3 times a day.
- Choosing the right underwear, wearing pants that are tight and can not absorb sweat.
- Avoiding risk factors for infection such as sexual promiscuity, as well as regular gynecological examinations.
- Live a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, regular exercise, eating foods with balanced nutrition.
- For women who have had sexual intercourse, every year have to do pap smear to detect temperament cells that exist in the mouth and cervix.
- Do not like to exchange underwear or towels with other female friends.
- If there is something unusual in your case then immediately see a gynecologist (excessive vaginal discharge, discolored, itchy skin areas femininity or cause foul odor).

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Healthy Nail Tip : Keeping Nails Healthy and Not So Easily Broken

Healthy Nails Tip
Keeping Nails Healthy and Not So Easily Broken

One part of the hand we should care is the nail. We must always keep your nails in good health. There are several things you can do yourself to keep your nails clean, healthy, and beautiful. Caring for nails is very important, as important as caring for fingernails.

Nails can be dangerous if the length, because without knowing it can hurt your skin if your nails are too long. To keep the nails remain in good health, not damaged and not easily broken.

To keep your nails to keep it in good health, not damaged and not easily broken, you can do a few tipsbelow :

1. Try to keep your nails always clean and well maintained, you can frequently wash their hands and feet, clean up the dirt.

2. Use a lotion or a special cream to the nail that is widely available in the market, of course, that has been reliable, so until you either choose a moisturizer nails.

3. Soak your nails with a squeeze of lime juice. For better results you can also soak your nails with milk.

4. Another way is to mix 2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons kasturi oil, 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil extract and mix until blended and then input into the bottle. Put a drop of potion had to polish the surface and then rub and let stand about 3-5 minutes. Then clean nails and soak fingers in warm water.

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Maintain The Beauty Girl By Choosing The Right Cosmetics

Tip to choose cosmetics

This is now a lot of outstanding variety of cosmetics with an attractive offer, but you definitely do not want your skin is damaged due to wrong choice of cosmetics. You should always be careful in choosing your cosmetic products, so that your skin stay healthy and look beautiful naturally.

There are four smart steps to choose cosmetics. Namely by taking into account : (Packaging, Label, authorization, usefulness and how to use, Expired).

Packaging :

- Know your cosmetic packaging with good
- Do not buy the packaging or preparation of damaged or ugly
- Careful packaging and containers, both physical appearance (the seal is broken or not) and content
- Products are still in good shape and the color is uniform, stable and there is no dirt spots

Label :

Make sure the label clearly stated and complete. Each cosmetics must include tagging / labels that include:
- Name of product
- Number of marketing authorization
- Number of batches / production code
- Name and address of manufacturer / importer / distributor
- Net and composition
- Limit Expired
- Usability and how to use the Indonesian language, except for products that have been clear how to use them

Marketing authorization :

- Look, if the cosmetics already has marketing authorization number from POM?
- Any cosmetic that will be circulated shall have the authorization number from POM

Expiration date :

Remember, do not be until after expiration limit, check the expiration or manufacturing date before buying cosmetics.
- Cosmetics with a stability of less than 30 months must include an expiration limit
- Cosmetics with a stability of more than 30 months may not include an expiration limit

Eat Chocolate Regularly Can Prevent The Disease "Stroke"

What you know when illness comes..?? everyone will want to live healthy and protected from various diseases and illnesses come without us would have thought, but you need not worry too much, because you can prevent them from scratch, like diseases "stroke" to eat chocolate every specify the day and assisted with other nutritious meals.

According to the Swedish study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, which examined more than 33 thousand women, those who ate more chocolate has the risk of stroke is getting smaller. The results of this study adds to evidence linking a series of chocolate consumption with heart health. But it does not mean people are free to eat chocolate.

The word chocolate comes from the language of the Aztecs 'xocoatl' and developed among the Indians became chocolat, which means the drink taste bitter.

Chocolate preferred by all types of age and almost all people in the world. Chocolate is also believed to provide peace for the fans because the content of 'phenylethylamine' in chocolate can produce 'dopamine', which cause feelings of pleasure and tranquility.

But those of you who have a risk of kidney disease is expected to be cautious in consuming chocolate. Because these foods can increase the excretion of 'oxalate' and three times as much calcium. You have to start living healthy from now on, you must specify the healthy foods and beverages.

Prevent Skin Dry With Melon and Watermelon

What do you know the secret of beautiful skin..?? Whether your skin is well maintained..? what your skin healthy..? you'll want to look beautiful with a healthy skin, tips to make your skin healthy the natural way, the skin looks beautiful and confident.

Dry skin can be caused by many factors, including age and heredity factors, the habit of caring for the body, body condition and general health.

In addition, dry skin is also influenced by external factors such as exposure to ultraviolet radiation, climate change, pollution, and too often in air-conditioned room. keep the skin moist from the treatment can be started from the outside and inside. For external treatment, you can use a moisturizer after every shower.

Use moisturizer twice a day, after a shower. After a shower do not wipe the body until it is completely dry, let the moist, humid conditions and in a moisturizing cream is applied to the entire body.

Later keep it from within by avoiding stress, not smoking, reduce coffee and alcohol, eating nutritious food, and drinking eight glasses of water or two liters per day, helping to overcome the problem of dry skin. Nutritional intake is also important. Like the fruits that contain lots of water such as watermelon and cantaloupe.

Keep skin moist and not dry rather than enhance your appearance. The skin becomes dry even in general health markers.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Face Masks Are Traditionally Made ​​and Natural

Maintain the youthfulness of the skin with a natural mask

All women want to have beautiful skin, clean and free from wrinkles, there are few tips to make face masks that you can make at home, natural and traditional masks are not using chemicals, please read and instructions on how to make a mask for beauty your skin.

Egg white mask :

Mix two tablespoons of egg whites with two tablespoons of yogurt without the flavor. Mix well, then apply to your face kutit. After five minutes, wash your face with a towel that has been soaked in warm water. The benefits of this mask is to add moisture and smoothness of facial skin.

Oatmeal mask :

Mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with a scoop of yogurt without the flavor. Stir until evenly distributed. After it drops two to three drops of honey. Then mix again until evenly distributed. Apply mask on your face before and let stand for 10 minutes. After that wash with a towel that has been soaked with warm water.

In addition to moisturize and smooth the skin, this mask also serves to replace skin cells that die with new cells, so that your skin will look radiant.

Masks sugar :

Masks of this sugar is among the most simple, because it only requires two tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of warm water. Combine the two ingredients until evenly distributed, then rub on the skin of the face mask, until the water level is low. After that, wash your face with a towel that has been soaked in warm water.

How do you think, it's easy because the materials used can be obtained easily, because as a housewife you'll often use it for daily food..??

Relieve Symptoms Of Heartburn Due To Excess Stomach Acid To "Mylanta"

Maintain the health of the stomach

Before you travel, you should prepare medicines to participate accompany your journey. To anticipate if you or companions are affected by pain. Sometimes there is a place that rarely contained a pharmacy, to prepare everything from scratch will make you keep healthy.

Mylanta is one of the syrup drug that works to relieve heartburn symptoms due to excessive stomach acid such as pains and nausea. Mylanta drug that is suitable to take while traveling because of the small packaging, if you want to be put into a bag or can put the car is, make sure you and your family maintain its health.

Composition :

Mylanta : Per 5 mL suspension contains: Aluminum hydroxide 200 mg, Magnesium hydroxide 200 mg and Simethicone 20 mg.

Indication :

Works to reduce symptoms associated with excess stomach acid. gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, with symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain and heartburn.

Dose :

Adult: 1-2 tsp (5-10 ml) 3-4 times daily
Children: 6-12 years 1 / 2 tsp (2.5 to 5 ml) 3-4 times daily
Drink 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals and at bedtime.

Relieve Runny Nose and Cough With Drugs "Actifed"

ActifedTM Plus Cough Suppressant

Prevent and treat colds accompanied by sore itchy or dry cough, drug sirum practical, let's keep the body in good health, so that parents and children stay healthy and can attend school as usual.

Indication :

ActifedTM Plus Cough Suppressant is indicated to relieve runny nose and cough accompanied by itching or dry.

Workings :

Triprolidine help relieve symptoms that cause a whole as well as dependent on the release of histamine. Pyrrolidine compounds of this class works as a competitive antagonist for H1 histamine receptors and are able to suppress the central nervous system, causing drowsiness. Sympathomimetic activity of pseudoephedrine has directly or indirectly and an upper respiratory tract decongestant. Dextromethorphan (Actifed PLUS suppressant) have antitussive work. control the coughing spasm by pressing on the nerve center of a cough.

Dosage and How to use :

Adults and children above 12 years:
1 tsp (5 mL), 3 times a day

Children under 12 years:
6 to 12 years: 1 / 2 tsp (2:50 mL), 3 times a day
2 to 6 years: 1 / 4 tsp (1.25 mL), 3 times a day
Recommended by your doctor is required before the use Actifed Plus Cough Suppressant for children under 2 years.

Side Effects :

Drowsiness, gastrointestinal disturbances, psychomotor disturbances, tachycardia, dry mouth, palpitations, and urinary retention.

Storage Method :

Actifed Plus Cough suppressant: Store below 30C temperature and protected from sunlight.

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